india employmentnews

Business Idea: Do this work for 15 minutes every day along with your job, your income will double...

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In this era of new technology, everyday increasing inflation has troubled people a lot. Today many people find their salary insufficient to meet household expenses. Due to this, they start looking for extra income.

If you also want to earn some extra money with a job, then we are giving you some ideas from which you can earn big money every month. The special thing is that you can do this work from home also. This can be done from anywhere in the village or city. For this, you do not even need a very big space.

For this work, you will only need a smartphone or laptop. There are many such websites around the world that offer money for doing e-mails and surveys, there is no restriction on daily work here. Meaning, work whenever you feel like and earn money. We have shortlisted some such websites. Any man or woman can earn money from these websites.

paisa live dot com

If you want to earn money fast without investing a single penny, then this website gives you this opportunity. You will get Rs 99 as soon as you create an account in Paisa Live. You will get Rs 10 immediately if you tell 10 of your friends about this and get them to create their account. After the first 10 friends, you will get Rs 2 for every friend. You will get 25 paise to 5 rupees for reading mail in your inbox. The website makes payment by check once in 15 days.

matrix mail dot com

According to media reports, matrix mail dot com has been working since 2002. You can earn money by reading mail through this website. By doing all this work you can easily earn 25 to 50 dollars. You can earn around Rs 3,000 through this website in an hour.


For this website, you just have to open your account. Here you will get about one dollar for reading one e-mail. That means you will easily get around Rs 70. It is always important to visit here. If you do not visit for 6 months the account will be deactivated. From here you will have to earn a minimum of around Rs 2,100 to get payment.

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