india employmentnews

Business Idea: The government is giving 35% subsidy on this business, you can earn 1 lakh rupees every month..

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Nowadays, instead of doing a job, everyone thinks of starting their own business. If you want to try your luck in the agriculture sector for business, then apart from weather-dependent farming, many options guarantee you profits. One of these is the poultry farming business. If you want to start a poultry farm on a small scale, then it will cost at least Rs 50,000 to Rs 1.5 lakh. If you start layer farming on a small scale i.e. with 1500 chickens, then you can earn from Rs 50 thousand to 1 lakh per month.

First comes the matter of money (low investment business)-

If you want to start a poultry farm on a small scale, then it will cost at least Rs 50,000 to Rs 1.5 lakh. And if you are thinking of setting up this business on a bigger scale, then it costs between Rs 1.5 lakh to Rs 3.5 lakh. To start a poultry business, business loans can be taken from many financial institutions.

The government will give a 35 percent subsidy (government subsidy on business)-

The subsidy on the loan of poultry farm business is about 25 percent. At the same time, this subsidy can be up to 35 percent to encourage the SC ST class. Let us tell you that the specialty of this business is that some amount has to be invested by yourself and the rest can be obtained as a loan from the bank.

This is how to plan this business (planning for a business)-

The earnings may be good but it is important to get proper training before trying your hand in this business. If you want to start work with a target of 1500 chickens, then you will have to buy 10 percent more chicks. Because there is a risk of chickens dying due to untimely illness.

Eggs will also earn a lot of money (new business idea)-

The price of eggs has started increasing in the country. Since the beginning of October, eggs have been sold for Rs 7. But the surprising thing is that with the increase in the price of eggs, hens have also become priceless.

The budget to buy chickens is Rs 50 thousand-

The cost of a layer parent birth is about 30 to 35 rupees. That is, a budget of Rs 50 50,000 will have to be kept to buy chickens. Now to raise them, different types of food have to be fed and also medication has to be spent.

Expense for 20 weeks is Rs 3 to 4 lakh-

The cost of feeding chickens for 20 consecutive weeks will be around Rs 1 to 1.5 lakh. A layer parent bird lays about 300 eggs in a year. After 20 weeks, chickens start laying eggs and lay eggs for a year. After 20 weeks, approximately 3 to 4 lakh rupees are spent on their food and drink.

Earning more than 14 lakh rupees annually-

In this way, 1500 hens give approximately 4,35,000 eggs at an average of 290 eggs per year. Even after wastage, if 4 lakh eggs are sold, then one egg is sold at the wholesale rate of Rs. 6.00. That means you can earn a good amount of money in a year just by selling eggs.

Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from Hr Breaking. While we have made modifications for clarity and presentation, the original content belongs to its respective authors and website. We do not claim ownership of the content.