Bank Account: Whenever you close your bank account, do not make this mistake, otherwise you will face trouble
You must have a bank account, this is because everyone opens an account in small or big banks. In such a situation, when you open an account, you get many other facilities like ATM card to internet banking, but many times people close their bank account due to some reasons. If you are also planning to close any of your bank accounts, then you should avoid making some mistakes. So let's know about them.
Keep these things in mind.
If you also have a bank account and you are closing this account, then avoid closing the bank account within a year. If you close a bank account within a year, then you have to pay a closing charge.
If for some reason you have to close your account early, then some days are fixed for this. You can close your bank account within 14 days and you do not have to pay any closing charge for doing so.