Aadhaar Update: Get a plastic Aadhaar card made for the whole family with a single phone number...

You can get PVC Aadhaar cards made for your entire family with a single phone number. The advantage of PVC card is that your Aadhaar card will not get damaged by water and will not break either.
You will have to pay a fee of just Rs 50 to get your Aadhaar printed on a PVC card and get it delivered to your home. You will have to pay the fee for as many people as you want to get PVC Aadhaar cards made. If there are 4 people in your family, then you will have to pay a fee of Rs 200. To order a PVC Aadhaar card, go to https://myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/genricPVC/en.
After this, enter the 12 digit Aadhaar number and also enter the security code which will be visible on your screen. After this, enter the mobile number registered with Aadhaar and order the card by entering the OTP. You cannot order PVC card for those whose phone number is not linked to Aadhaar.
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