Aadhaar Card updates: Know here which details you can change in Aadhaar card and which you can't
The Aadhaar card is considered to be the most important document in India, which is used for a variety of purposes. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) card allows users to update Aadhaar details with certain limits. We have brought you some limits which can be changed only once or twice on the card.
Name change
One of the most important restrictions is name change - you can edit your name twice in your lifetime using an Aadhaar card. This applies to both correcting errors and adding a surname after marriage.
Gender change
Similarly, gender change can be done only once. If you make a mistake while updating your gender, it will not be changed.
Unlimited address change
Unlike name and gender, there is no limit to changing and updating the address on your Aadhaar card. You can do this as many times as it will be convenient for individuals who move frequently. You can update your address online using documents like water bills, electricity bills, or rental contracts. Alternatively, you can visit an Aadhaar Seva Kendra.
Be careful while updating sensitive information.
It is very important to be careful when you are updating sensitive information on your Aadhaar card. Information such as:
Date of Birth
A single mistake can have long-lasting consequences. Double-check all the details before submitting your update request.