Aadhaar Card Free Update: If you also want to get some updates done on your Aadhaar card. So you can get it updated for free. But you do not have much time for this. Know the details.
People need to have many documents to live in India. These documents are needed for some work every day.
These important documents include driving license, ration card, PAN card, voter ID, and Aadhaar card.
An Aadhaar card is the most common document used in India. About 90 percent of the population of India has an Aadhaar card.
Many times people enter the wrong information into the Aadhaar card. Due to this, they face problems later. In such a situation, UIDAI allows updating the Aadhaar card.
If you also want to get some updates done on the Aadhaar card, then you can get it updated for free. But you will get this facility only till September 14.
You can update your Aadhaar card online till 14th September. You will not have to pay any fee for this.
But if you update your Aadhaar card after this, then you will have to pay a fee for it, which is Rs. 50.