india employmentnews

8th Pay Commission: Can the 8th Pay Commission be implemented soon? Employees appealed to the PM..

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The discussion about the 8th Pay Commission has started once again. Whenever it is discussed, the happiness of government employees increases. Recently, the organization of government employees has appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to implement the 8th Pay Commission. According to reports, if the Pay Commission is implemented, the salary of government employees will increase by 186 percent.

The central government implemented the 7th Pay Commission in 2026 and it was expected that the government could give a gift to the central employees in the month of February this year. But the Finance Ministry said in the Rajya Sabha that the government is not considering anything about this right now. We do not plan to implement the 8th Pay Commission right now.

8th Pay Commission

Central employees have been demanding the implementation of the 8th Pay Commission from the government for many days, which has been supported by Shiv Gopal Mishra, Secretary of the Employees' Side of the National Council of Joint Consultative Machinery (NC-JCM). Gopal Mishra said that the Pay Commission is demanding a fitment factor of 2.86, if the government accepts this demand, then the salary of the employees can increase by 186 percent. If the Pay Commission is implemented, the salary of Rs 18,000 will increase to Rs 51,480. Apart from this, the pension can also increase from Rs 9,000 to Rs 25,740.

When was the 7th Pay Commission implemented?

The government implemented the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission in January 2016. According to reports, the government implements the recommendations of the Pay Commission every year for 10 years. The last time the Pay Commission was implemented was when. Then 2.56 fitment was implemented, after which the minimum salary of the employees increased from Rs 7000 to Rs 17,990. If the Pay Commission is implemented with this time's recommendations, then the minimum salary of the employees will increase 3 times.

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