UPSC Recruitment 2025: Not just IAS IPS, UPSC recruits for these 23 services..

Union Public Service Commission i.e. UPSC has started the application process for Civil Services Examination 2025. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for it till 11 February 2025. UPSC will recruit officers for a total of 979 posts. This time the number of vacancies has been reduced. Last year, a notification was issued for recruitment to a total of 1056 posts. Although this time UPSC has not released the vacancy details as to how many recruitments will be done on which post, it is being said that this time the posts of IAS, IPS, and IRS (Indian Foreign Service) will also be reduced. Let us know how many and for which services UPSC takes out this recruitment.
Actually, UPSC recruits for a total of 23 services, of which IAS (Indian Administrative Service), IRS (Indian Foreign Service), and IPS (Indian Police Service) are the major posts. Apart from this, you can see the list of services for which UPSC recruits officers below.
Indian Audit and Accounts Service (Group A)
India Civil Accounts Service (Group A)
Indian Corporate Law Service (Group A)
Indian Defence Accounts Service (Group A)
Indian Information Service (Group A)
Indian Postal Service (Group A)
Indian Post and Telecommunication Accounts and Finance Service (Group A)
Indian Railway Management Service- Traffic (Group A)
Indian Railway Management Service- Personnel (Group A)
Indian Railway Protection Force Service (Group A)
Indian Revenue Service- Income Tax (Group A)
Indian Trade Service (Group A- Grade III)
Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service (Group B- Section Officer Grade)
Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Civil Service (DANICS)- Group B
Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Civil Service Police Service (DANICS)- Group I B
Pondicherry Civil Service (PONDICS)- Group B
Pondicherry Police Service (PONDICS)- Group B
When will the UPSC 2025 exam be held?
The UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2025 will be conducted on 25 May 2025, in which there will be two objective type (multiple choice questions) papers General Studies I and General Studies II. This exam of a total 400 marks is only a screening test, that is, only after passing this exam, the candidates will be eligible to appear in the main exam. However, the marks of the prelims exam are not added to the main exam.
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