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UPSC CSE 2024: UPSC released detailed application form-2, submit the form before this date; understand the rules..

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UPSC CSE 2024: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has activated the window for Detailed Application Form (DAF) 2 for the Civil Services Examination (CSE) 2024. Candidates who have qualified for UPSC CSE Mains 2024 can fill out the UPSC CSE Detailed Application Form 2 through the official website ( Candidates should note, that the last date to fill out the application form is December 19 till 6 pm.

The UPSC CSE Mains result was declared on December 9 and candidates who qualified for the written examination held between September 20 and 29 will be eligible for an interview or personality test. The commission will soon announce the UPSC CSE interview dates.

Announcing the main exam result, the commission said, "All candidates who qualify for the Personality Test (Interview) are required to mandatorily fill and submit their Detailed Application Form-II (DAF-II)."

DAF 2 Rules

Before the commencement of the interview or personality test of the exam, the candidate must compulsorily indicate in the online DAF 1 the order of preference for only those services for which he is participating in CSE 2024 and to which the candidate is interested to be allotted in case of final selection.

In case of recommendation of candidature for service allocation, the candidate will be considered by the Government for allocation to one of the services for which preference has been indicated by the candidate in the online DAF.

No change in preference for services once submitted by the candidate will be entertained. If preference for any service is not indicated, the candidates will not be considered for service allocation.

"Any delay in submission of DAF-2 or supporting documents beyond the prescribed date will not be permitted and will lead to cancellation of candidature for CSE 2024," UPSC said.