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SGPGIMS: SGPG Institute of Medical Sciences Nursing Officer Recruitment result released, 225 qualified for document verification..

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SGPGIMS Nursing Result 2024: Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences has declared the results of the Nursing Officer Recruitment Examination. A total of 225 candidates have been declared qualified under this recruitment drive. Candidates who appeared in this recruitment process can check the result by visiting the official website of SGPGIMS The exam was conducted on July 16, 2024.

225 qualified for document verification

A total of 225 have been declared qualified for the document verification round. These candidates will have to appear for document verification on the scheduled date. Document verification will be conducted from December 27. Candidates will have to appear for document verification at the E-Learning Centre, Lecture Theatre Complex, Ground Floor (Near Vaccination Centre), SGPGI on the allotted date between 10 am to 4 pm.

Points to note

To clear any confusion, the institute has also given some clarifications, which are as follows:

Shortlisting of candidates for document verification does not ensure selection for the post. It is only to verify the eligibility and other documents of the candidate, as provided by the candidate while filling out the application form. The number of candidates called for document verification is more than the number of vacancies. The number of appointments will be as per the approval of Director SGPGI.

Relatives or well-wishers of the candidates are strictly prohibited from visiting the document verification area.

Candidates should try to reach on the scheduled day of document verification only.

If the candidate does not reach the scheduled time, he can appear for document verification on the next day.

If the candidate does not complete the document verification process on the scheduled time, the selection of those candidates will be canceled without giving any notice or reason.

SGPGIMS DV List: Must carry these documents
Candidates must ensure that all declarations and affidavits are available with them in original as per the template given on the website. Along with this, candidates must have a copy of Aadhaar certificate (for submission) and original Aadhaar (for verification). The candidate must self-attest and sign all document copies at the time of document verification.

Entry to the DV area will be only after biometric screening and will be strictly regulated by TCS and Security Services of SGPGI.
SGPGIMS Nursing Result Download: How to Download Nursing Officer Result

Visit the official website
Click on the Nursing Officer Result 2024 link on the homepage.
The result will appear on the screen.
View and download the result.
Take a printout for future reference.