india employmentnews

SECL Recruitment 2025: Apprenticeship opportunity in South Eastern Coalfields Limited, apply soon..

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Recruitment has been announced for the post of Office Operation Executive in South Eastern Coalfields Limited, a mini-ratna company of the Government of India. Candidates who want to join this recruitment can complete the application process by visiting the official website of SECL through online medium. Along with this, for your convenience, a direct link to the application has also been made available on this page. Candidates should keep in mind that the last date for filling out the form has been fixed as 10 February 2025, after which applications will not be accepted in any way.

Eligibility and Criteria

To join this recruitment, the candidate must have passed the 10th class. Along with this, the minimum age of the candidate should not be less than 18 years. For a detailed eligibility check, candidates must go through the official notification once.

Recruitment Details
Through this recruitment, a total of 100 posts of Office Operation Executive will be recruited under apprenticeship. Out of this, 100 posts are reserved for the General category, 13 posts for OBC, 14 posts for SC, and 23 posts for ST.

How can you apply

To join this recruitment, you have to visit the official website of SECL.

You have to click on the notification link related to the recruitment.

After this, you have to click on the apprenticeship portal link related to the recruitment

After this, you have to first register by clicking on the New Registration link and filling in the required details.

After registration, the candidates should complete the application process by filling in other details.

Finally, the candidates should submit the filled form take a printout of it, and keep it safe.

To join this recruitment, candidates of any category do not have to deposit the application fee, that is, all the candidates can apply for free to join the recruitment. In this recruitment, the candidates will be selected on the basis of marks obtained in 10th standard. You can visit the official website for detailed information related to the recruitment.

Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from Dainik Jagran. While we have made modifications for clarity and presentation, the original content belongs to its respective authors and website. We do not claim ownership of the content.