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SBI New Recruitment 2025: SBI has released jobs for retired officers, applications started for 1194 posts..

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SBI Concurrent Auditor Recruitment 2025: The State Bank of India (SBI) has issued a bumper recruitment notification. SBI has invited applications from eligible candidates for recruitment to the post of Concurrent Auditor. These recruitments are only for retired people. Retired officers and former associates (e-ABs) of SBI can apply for these posts. The application process has been started. Interested candidates visit the official website of the bank to apply. The last date to apply for SBI Recruitment 2025 is 15 March 2025.

SBI Recruitment 2025: Recruitment Details

SBI will fill a total of 1194 posts of Concurrent Auditor through this recruitment drive. These recruitments will be for 13 cities. Vacancies by City-

Ahmedabad: 124 posts

Amravati: 77 posts

Bengaluru: 49 posts

Bhopal: 70 posts

Bhubaneswar: 50 posts

Chandigarh: 96 posts

Chennai: 88 posts

Guwahati: 66 posts

Hyderabad: 79 posts

Jaipur: 56 posts

Kolkata: 63 posts

Lucknow: 99 posts

Maharashtra: 91 posts

Mumbai Metro: 16 posts

New Delhi: 68 posts

Patna: 50 posts

Thiruvananthapuram: 52 posts

SBI Recruitment 2025: Eligibility Criteria

The candidate should have retired from the bank service at the age of 60 years. Candidates who have voluntarily retired or resigned or have been suspended or have left the bank before retirement are not eligible for this recruitment.

Retired officers of SBI and its e-associate banks who were last in service with the bank in the cadre of MMGS-III, SMGS-IV/V, and TGS-VI at the time of retirement will be considered.

SBI Recruitment 2025: Selection Process

Candidates will be selected based on shortlisting and interviews. The interview will be for a total of 100 marks, qualifying marks will be decided by the bank. The final merit list will be prepared based on marks obtained in the interview. If two or more candidates obtain the same cut-off marks, their ranking will be according to the descending order of age.

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