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RRB Group D Salary: How much salary will you get if you are selected in RRB Group-D recruitment? Know all the details including allowances..

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RRB Group D Salary: The process of recruitment for more than 32 thousand Group-D posts has been started by the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB). Interested and eligible candidates can apply for Group-D recruitment till March 1. A total of 32,438 posts will be appointed under this recruitment. If you also want to apply for this recruitment, then register immediately by visiting the official website

Apart from this, now time will be available from March 4 to March 13, 2025, to correct the application form. The Railway Recruitment Board has made it clear that the candidates will not be able to change the details filled in the Create Account and the selected railway.

RRB Group D Salary: How much salary will be given?
The salary of the candidates selected for these Group D posts will be determined as per the Pay Matrix Level 1 of the Seventh Pay Commission. In this recruitment, the candidates selected under PB-1 will be given a basic pay scale of Rs 18000 per month. Also, after being successful in this recruitment, the candidates get the benefit of many other facilities along with salary. It is worth noting that the candidates appointed to these posts get the benefit of allowances like dearness allowance, daily allowance, transport allowance, house rent allowance, night duty allowance, and overtime allowance.

Also, get the benefit of many types of allowances.
The list of allowances and benefits given by Indian Railways to RRB Group-D employees is as follows.

DA (Dearness Allowance): 28%

HRA (House Rent Allowance).

Daily Allowance.
Transport allowance.
For night duty allowance.
Compensation for holidays.
Vehicle allowance for railway doctors only.
Allowance for overtime

Recruitment will be done on these posts.
Applications have been invited for the following posts in Railway Group D Recruitment: Assistant (S&T), Assistant (Workshop), Assistant Bridge, Assistant Carriage and Wagon, Assistant Loco Shed (Diesel), Assistant Loco Shed (Electrical), Assistant Operation (Electrical), Assistant P.Way, Assistant TL and AC (Workshop), Assistant TL and AC, Assistant Track Machine, Assistant TRD, Pointsman and Track Maintainer-IV.

Railway Group D Exam Pattern

As per the Railway Group D exam pattern, this exam will be conducted as a Computer Based Test (CBT) in which all the questions will be of multiple choice objective type. There will be a total of 100 questions in this exam and 90 minutes will be given to solve it. However, for PWD candidates this exam will be up to 120 minutes if they use a scribe. The distribution of questions will be as follows: 25 questions from General Science and Mathematics, 30 questions from General Intelligence and Reasoning, and 20 questions from General Awareness and Current Affairs. 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer, while 1/3 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.

Selection Process (RRB Group D Selection Process)
The Railway Group D selection process will have three major stages: The first stage will be a Computer Test (CBT), which will evaluate the general knowledge, mathematics, and reasoning abilities of the candidates. After this, the successful candidates will be called for a Physical Efficiency Test (PET), which will have to face physical tests. In the last stage, there will be a document verification process, where all the required documents of the candidates will be checked.

Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from Amar Ujala. While we have made modifications for clarity and presentation, the original content belongs to its respective authors and website. We do not claim ownership of the content.