RPSC: Recruitment of 2129 teachers for eight subjects, application has started, good salary will be available..

RPSC School Teacher Bharti: Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has released the recruitment of 2129 Senior Teachers in Grade II. For which online application has started. If you want to be recruited for the post of Senior Teacher in a government school, then the application form can be filled out on 24 January 2025 by visiting the website of Rajasthan Public Service Commission rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in or recruitment.rajasthan.gov.in.
Senior school teacher recruitment is being done for eight subjects - Hindi, English, Maths, Science, Social Science, Sanskrit Punjabi, and Urdu. In this, the maximum 694 vacancies are for Maths subject. After this, 350 vacancies are for Science subject.
RPSC School Teacher Bharti: Senior Teacher Vacancy
Subject Teacher Vacancy
Hindi 288
English 327
Maths 694
Science 350
Social Science 88
Sanskrit 309
Punjabi 64
Urdu 09
Total Vacancy 2129
RPSC School Teacher Bharti: Eligibility for Senior Teacher Posts
Candidates willing to apply for Senior Teacher Recruitment in Rajasthan should have a graduation degree in the relevant subject. Apart from this, candidates should have a working knowledge of Hindi in the Devanagari script and be familiar with Rajasthani culture.
Along with graduating degree, it is also necessary to have done a degree or diploma course in education.
RPSC School Teacher Bharti: Age Limit
The age limit for Senior Teacher Grade II recruitment is 18 years to 40 years. Candidates of reserved category will get relaxation as per the rules.
RPSC School Teacher Recruitment: How will the selection be done
Selection for the post of Senior Teacher Grade II will be done through a written examination. If needed, the scaling/moderation/normalization method can also be adopted in the evaluation.
Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from News 18 hindi. While we have made modifications for clarity and presentation, the original content belongs to its respective authors and website. We do not claim ownership of the content.