india employmentnews

Recruitment in CSIR CSMCRI, salary in lakhs, this is the last date.


If you want to get a salary in lakhs, then you can apply for this recruitment campaign of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.

Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI) under Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has announced recruitment to the posts of scientist.

The application process for this recruitment has now started and interested candidates can apply till 5 February 2025. Applications will be accepted only through online mode, and for this the candidates have to visit the official website of CSMCRI

To participate in this recruitment, the candidate must have ME / MTech / PhD degree in the relevant field. Also, the maximum age of the candidate should not exceed 32 years. However, age relaxation will be given to the reserved category candidates as per the rules.

Candidates of General, OBC, EWS and other categories will have to pay Rs 500 as application fee. Whereas, SC, ST and PH candidates are exempted from application fee and can apply free of cost.

The selected candidates will be provided salary of around Rs 1,23,000 per month (including basic pay, DA, HRA, TA etc.) as per Pay Level 11. For more information related to this recruitment, candidates should refer to the official notification.

To apply, candidates must first visit the official website and click on the application link of the recruitment. After this, complete the application form by filling other details after registration.

The candidate has to upload his photograph and signature and then submit the form by paying the prescribed application fee. Finally, keep a printout of the completely filled form safe.