india employmentnews

Recruitment for Agniveer posts in the Indian Air Force, applications starting from this day


If you want to work in the Indian Air Force, then you can see the notification of this recruitment. Air Force has released vacancies for Agniveer Vayu Recruitment 2024, candidates who want to apply in this recruitment can do so after the application starts.

If you are waiting for a government job then this news is of your use. Indian Air Force has released notifications for IAF Agniveer Vayu Recruitment 2024. Candidates who want to apply for the posts can do so through the official website of IAF Agniveer Vayu The registration process for this recruitment will start from January 7 and will end on January 27, 2025. Read below for eligibility, selection process and other details related to this recruitment.

Important Dates

Application start date- 7 January 2025

Application end date- 27 January 2025

Exam date- 22 March 2025

Eligibility Criteria

Many different qualifications have been sought for the post of Agniveer in this recruitment. In such a situation, to apply, candidates can visit the official website and see the notification.

Age Limit

Candidates who want to apply should be born between January 1, 2005 and July 1, 2008. If a candidate clears all the stages of the selection process, the upper age limit should be 21 years as on the date of enrollment.

Selection Process

The selection process consists of three stages of examination- Phase I, II and III. Phase I is the written examination for all candidates. II 28. Immediately after the declaration of the result of Phase-I (Online) Examination, a cut off will be applied on the marks obtained by the candidates in the Phase-I Examination and the State wise shortlisted candidates will have to appear for Phase 2. Phase 3 is Medical Test. Candidates who qualify in Phase 2 will be eligible to appear for Phase 3.

Examination Fee

All the candidates applying for the post are required to pay the examination fee of ₹550/- plus GST online at the time of registration for the online examination. Payment can be made by Debit Card/Credit Card/Internet Banking through payment gateway. Candidates are advised to follow the instructions/steps given on the payment gateway and also print/retain the transaction details for their records.

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