Railway Naukri: 1036 vacancies for various posts including teacher in railway, application will start on this day..

Railway Naukri: There are 1036 vacancies in the Recruitment of Ministerial and Isolated Category in Indian Railways. For this, an online application has to be done by visiting the official website rrbapply.gov.in. Under this, there will be recruitment for the posts of Post Graduate Teacher (PGT), Scientific Supervisor (Economics and Training), TGT, Chief Law Assistant, Public Prosecutor, Physical Training Instructor, Scientific Assistant/Training, Junior Translator (Hindi), Senior Publicity Inspector, Staff and Welfare Inspector, Librarian, Music Teacher (Female), Primary Railway Teacher, Assistant Teacher (Female) (Junior School), Library Assistant/School and Lab Assistant Grade III (Chemist and Metallurgist).
The online application process for this recruitment is expected to start from 07 January 2025. The last date is expected to be 06 February 2025. However, no official information has been released about it on the official website.
Application fee
The application fee for General Category/OBC/EWS category candidates is Rs 500. SC/ST/PWD/Women and Ex-Servicemen candidates will have to pay Rs 250.
How will the selection be done?
The selection process will be of four stages. First of all, the exam will be conducted in CBT mode. Those who pass it will have to pass the interview and skill test. After this, there will be document verification.
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