Ordnance Factory Dehu Road: Announcement of recruitment for the posts of Danger Building Workers in Ordnance Factory Dehu Road..

Ordnance Factory Dehu Road has announced recruitment for the vacant posts of Danger Building Workers (Tenure Base). Candidates who are looking for a government job and fulfill the eligibility for this recruitment can complete the application process on the last date prescribed. Candidates should keep in mind that to participate in this recruitment, candidates of any category will not have to deposit the application fee with the application, that is, all candidates can fill the form for free. The last date for filling out the form will be 21 days after its publication in the employment news.
It will have to be filled offline.
To participate in this recruitment, candidates have to download the form offline by visiting the official website munitionsindia.in/career/. After downloading the application form, the candidates should fill it out by entering the correct information. After this, they should send the pre-filled form by post to the address "To, Chief General Manager, Ordnance Factory Dehu Road, Pune- 412101, Email- ofdrhrd@ord.gov.in Tel. No.: 020-27167246/ 47/ 98".
What is the qualification?
To apply for this recruitment, the candidate should have passed AOCP trade (NCTVT) from a government or private institute/ordnance factory. Along with this, the minimum age of the candidate should not be less than 18 years and the maximum age should not be more than 35 years. Relaxation in the upper age limit will be provided as per rules.
Recruitment details
Candidates should be informed that through this recruitment, appointments will be made for a total of 149 vacant posts. Out of this, 31 posts are reserved for the unreserved category, 53 posts for OBC, 30 for SC, 15 for ST, 20 for EWS, and 20 posts for ex-servicemen. For detailed information related to eligibility, please go through the official notification of the candidate.
How will the selection be done?
Candidates applying for this recruitment will be selected on the basis of their performance in the trade test/practical test. Only those candidates who will be called for the trade test/practical test will get the cutoff marks set by the Ordnance Factory. The weightage for the trade test is 80% and the weightage for the practical test is 20%.
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