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ONGC Recruitment 2025: ONGC has released recruitment for Geologist and other posts, apply by January 24..

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Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited has invited applications for the posts of Geologist and Geophysicist among others. The application process for these posts is currently underway. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for this vacancy by visiting the official website The last date to apply for these posts is 24 January 2025. No application form will be accepted after the last date, so candidates should take special care of this.

According to the information released by ONGC, a total of 108 posts will be recruited through this recruitment drive. Of these, 05 posts of Geologist, 3 posts of Geophysicist Surface, 11 posts of AEE Production Mechanical, and 19 posts of AEE Production Petroleum will be recruited. At the same time, recruitment will be done for 23 posts of AEE Production Chemical and 23 posts of AEE Drilling Mechanical. The examination will be conducted in CBT mode to select candidates for these posts. The exam will consist of four sections. The total duration of the exam will be 2 hours.

ONGC Recruitment 2025: These are the important dates related to ONGC vacancy

Starting date of online application for ONGC vacancy - January 10, 2025

Last date of application for ONGC vacancy: January 24, 2025

CBT exam date for ONGC vacancy: February 23, 2025

ONGC Recruitment 2025: This fee will have to be paid for ONGC vacancy

General / EWS / OBC category candidates applying for this vacancy will have to pay Rs 1000 as an application fee. At the same time, SC / ST / PwBD category candidates are exempted from paying the application fee. Payment should be made through online mode. For more details related to this vacancy, candidates can visit the official website of ONGC.

Bharat Electronics Limited has released recruitment for these posts.

Bharat Electronics Limited has recently released recruitment for the vacant posts of Graduate Apprentice, Technician Apprentice, and B.Com Apprentice. A total of 83 posts will be recruited through this vacancy. The selection of candidates for these posts will be done through a walk-in interview. This interview will be conducted on 20, 21, and 22 January 2025. For the interview, the candidates will have to report to the center by 9.30 am. For more information related to this vacancy, the candidates will have to visit the portal.

Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from Dainik Jagran. While we have made modifications for clarity and presentation, the original content belongs to its respective authors and website. We do not claim ownership of the content.