NLC Recruitment 2024: Applications for NLC India Graduate Executive Trainee posts will start from December 16, read recruitment details here..

Recruitment has been announced for Graduate Executive Trainee posts in Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC), one of the Navratna companies of India. According to the notification, the online application process for this recruitment will start on 16 December 2024. Candidates who are looking for a government job and fulfill the eligibility for this recruitment will be able to fill out the form by visiting the official website of NLC India through the online medium as soon as the application starts. The last date for filling out the online form has been fixed as 15 January 2025.
What is the qualification?
To apply for this recruitment, it is necessary for the candidate to have an engineering degree in the relevant field as per the post. Along with this, the maximum age of the candidate has been fixed at 30 years. However, in the upper age, the OBC (NCL) category has been given a relaxation of 3 years, and the SC / ST category has been given a relaxation of 5 years. Keep in mind that the age will be calculated keeping in mind 1 December 2024.
Recruitment details
Through this recruitment, 167 posts of Graduate Executive Trainee will be recruited. Out of this, 84 posts are reserved for Mechanical, 48 posts for Electrical, 25 posts for Civil, and 10 posts for Control and Instrumentation.
How to apply
To apply for this recruitment, candidates will first have to go to the official website
You have to click on the career button on the home page of the website.
Now you have to click on the Apply Online link below Recruitment of Graduate Executive Trainee (GETs).
After this, first, click on the registration link and register by filling in the required details.
After registration, the candidates should complete the application process by filling in other details.
Finally, the candidates should submit the form by paying the prescribed fee take a printout of it and keep it safe.
How much will the fee be
Along with filling the application form, it is mandatory for the candidates to deposit the prescribed fee, only then your form will be accepted. Forms filled without fee will be automatically cancelled. The application fee for Unreserved/OBC (NCL)/EWS category is Rs 854 and for SC, ST, PWD and Ex-Servicemen, the application fee is Rs 354. Candidates must check the official notification for detailed information related to the recruitment.