MPPSC: Recruitment for Assistant Professor, Sports Officer posts in Madhya Pradesh, notification soon..

Students are continuously protesting in Madhya Pradesh. Meanwhile, new information has been given by the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC). Information has been given in the exam calendar by MPPSC for recruitment to the vacant posts of Assistant Professor in government colleges of Higher Education Departments. It has been said that the Assistant Professor Recruitment Examination-2024 will be conducted in two phases. For this, a notification can be issued by the commission soon.
How many posts are to be recruited
MPPSC is preparing to release 1459 vacancies for 26 subjects under this recruitment. Out of this, recruitment examination will be conducted for about 1587 posts including 128 posts of Sports Officer. The demand has been sent to MPPSC by the Higher Education Department, but the commission wants to increase these posts to 1700. In such a situation, a notification will also be issued after things are cleared.
Recruitment will be done on these posts in the first phase.
MPPSC will recruit 1542 posts in the first phase. Out of this, recruitment will be done on 128 posts of Sports Officer, 146 posts of Zoology, 147 posts of Physics, 95 posts of Political Science, 140 posts of Mathematics, 113 posts of Hindi, 75 posts of Geography, 96 posts of English, 102 posts of Economics, 1 post of Physical Chemistry, 111 posts of Commerce, 158 posts of Chemistry, 75 posts of History, 68 posts of Sociology, 87 posts of Computer Science.
Recruitment will be done on these posts in the second phase.
A total of 45 posts will be recruited in the second phase by MPPSC. The recruitment details as per the subject are as follows-
Yogic Science: 1 post
Veda: 1 post
Urdu: 3 posts
Statistics: 8 posts
Sanskrit Grammar: 1 post
Sanskrit Literature: 3 posts
Sanskrit Oriental: 2 posts
Sanskrit Astrology: 1 post
Music: 2 posts
Computer Application: 7 posts
Marathi: 1 post
Geology: 15 posts
Important update on 2022 recruitment
The candidates participating in the recruitment of MPPSC Assistant Professor Recruitment-2022 will have to wait for more. According to the information, the selection process of recruitment for the year 2022 will not be completed even by next year i.e. 2025. Out of 35 subjects for recruitment, interviews will be held for only 8 subjects. Interviews for all subjects are expected to be held by June/July 2026.