MPPEB Group 5 Vacancy 2024: Application starts for MPPESB Group-5 recruitment, form can be filled till January 13 for 1170 posts..

The application process for recruitment to the posts of Nursing Staff, Paramedical Staff, and other posts under Group-5 was started by the Madhya Pradesh Staff Selection Board (MPESB) on 30 December 2024. Candidates who fulfill the eligibility for this recruitment can complete the application process by visiting the official website of MPESB online mode to join. The last date to fill the form has been fixed as 13 January 2025. Before applying, the candidates must check the eligibility once as per the post.
Candidates can make corrections in case of mistakes in application
If any kind of error is made by the candidate while filling out the application form, then they will be able to amend it. The correction window will be open from 30 December to 18 January 2025.
How to apply
To apply for this recruitment, first visit the official website
Now select Hindi or English.
On the new page, you have to click on the application link related to the recruitment.
After this, you will have to register by filling in the required details first.
Now complete the form by filling in other details.
Finally, the candidates should submit the form by paying the prescribed fee.
Recruitment details
Through this recruitment, a total of 1170 posts falling under Group 5 will be recruited. Post wise Nursing Officer, Staff Nurse, Male Nurse 82 posts, 29 posts of Pharmacist Grade-2, 634 posts of Laboratory Technician, Technician, Technician Assistant, Lab Technician, Lab Assistant, Technical Assistant, 127 posts of Radiographer, Dark Room Assistant, Radiographer / Radiographic Technician, Ultrasound Technician, 9 posts of OT Technician, 11 posts of Optometrist, 14 posts of Dental Hygienist, Dental Mechanic, Dental Technician, 3 posts of Prosthetic and Orthotic Technician, 5 posts of Speech Therapist, 3 posts of Radiotherapy Technician, 16 posts of Anesthesia Technician, Ventilator Technician, Anesthesia Technician, 1 post of EEG Technician, 6 posts of CSSD Technician, Lab Attendant, Dissection Hall Attendant, OPD Attendant, Dresser Grade 2, Dialysis Attendant, OT Attendant, 197 posts of Dark Room Attendant, Lab Assistant, Dark Room Assistant, OT Assistant, Dresser, Technical Assistant, 4 posts of TB & Chest Disease Health Visitor, 8 posts of Allergy Technician, PFT Technician, Respiratory Therapist, Sleep Technician, 1 post of ECG Technician, 6 posts of Cathlab Technician, 14 posts of Dialysis Technician are reserved.
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