Job Opportunities: You can work in Germany-Japan... Recruitment for these posts, salary is in lakhs..

Job Opportunity In Germany: If you also want to earn lakhs of rupees by going abroad, then this news is for you. Vacancies have come for five thousand posts in Germany and Israel. Selected youth will be given a salary of up to two lakh 29 thousand rupees. The recruitment process has started for the posts of nursing, caregiver, and assistant nurse. You can apply for this job by visiting the UP government's website Rojgar Sangam.
Recruitment has come out for 5 posts.
The Employment Department has been given the responsibility for jobs in Germany and Israel. Nursing, caregiver, and assistant nurses are to be recruited for a total of five thousand posts. District Employment Officer Rajiv Kumar Singh said that diploma holders can apply online at After applying, a written examination and interview will be conducted. After this, the candidate will be selected.
How much will be the salary?
Rajiv Singh said that those who go to Israel after doing a nursing course will get a salary of one lakh 31 thousand rupees per month. Both men and women between 25 and 45 years can apply. There will be a selection of 50 posts for male and female caregivers in Japan. Nursing diploma holders between 20 and 27 years can apply till January 24. Those going to Japan will get a salary of Rs 1,16,976 per month. There will be recruitment for 250 posts of assistant nurse in Germany. Men and women between 24 and 40 years can apply. They will get a salary of Rs 2,29,925 per month.
These documents are very important.
Rajeev Singh said that some documents are important for application. Interested candidates should have passports with a validity of at least three years. It is necessary to have one year of experience in any trade. At the same time, candidates who want more information can contact the employment office at Angadh Road.
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