india employmentnews

Job News 2025: Recruitment for these posts has come out in Rajasthan High Court, the last date for application is near


If you are also preparing for a government job, then this news is going to be useful for you. Yes, the application process for recruitment to various posts of Stenographer by the Rajasthan High Court is ending on 22 February 2025. In such a situation, if you want, you can also apply for it.

Total number of posts- 144

Name of posts- Stenographer

Last date to apply- 22 February 2025

Age limit- The minimum age of the candidates should be 18 years and the maximum age should be 40 years.

Salary- will be according to the posts.

Apply- can be done online.

For more information, you can visit the website Hcraj.Nic.In