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JKPSC Lecturer Recruitment: Lecturer jobs available in Jammu and Kashmir, fill the form by this date..

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JKPSC Lecturer Recruitment: Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC) has invited applications for the post of Lecturer in the School Education Department, Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. The application process for these posts is ongoing. Interested and eligible candidates can fill out the online application form through the official website ( till February 22, 2025.

This recruitment drive aims to recruit a total of 19 posts for Hindi, Sanskrit, and Music subjects.

Vacancy Details

Subject OM RBA SC St-1 ST-2 ALC/IB OBC EWS Total
Hindi      6    1      1     1      2     0          1       1        15
Sanskrit 2    0      1     0     0     0           0       0          3
Music    1     0      0    0      0     0          0       0          1

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates applying for these posts in Jammu and Kashmir should have a Master's degree in relevant subjects (Hindi, Sanskrit, or Music) from a recognized university.

Application Fee
Unreserved category candidates have to pay Rs 1200 as an application fee. Reserved category candidates have to pay Rs 700 as an application fee. PHC category candidates are exempted from paying the application fee.

How to apply

First of all, candidates visit the official website

On the homepage, go to "Jobs/Online Application" under the Recruitment tab.

Click on the Direct Recruitment tab.

Register and log in to apply.

Fill out the form, pay the application fee, and submit the form.

Take a printout of the application form for future reference.

Candidates who wish to be considered under reserved categories must upload a valid category certificate. The candidature will be provisional till verification by the appointing authority.

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