IIT Placement: Companies are generously offering jobs to IIT Delhi students, so far they have received so many international job offers..

IIT Placement 2024: In this placement season of IIT Delhi, companies from India and abroad are offering jobs wholeheartedly. So far, students have received more than 1200 job offers in the placement of the academic session 2024-25. This also includes pre-placement offers. There are about 1150 such students who have been uniquely selected.
In this year's placement session at IIT Delhi, reputed companies like American Express, Barclays, BCG, Blue Tone Jewellery & Lifestyle Pvt Ltd, Deutsche India Pvt Ltd, Goldman Sachs, Google, Graviton Research Capital, Intel India, Meesho, Micron Technology, Microsoft, Ola, Oracle, PayU, Quade, Qualcomm, Robust Results Pvt Ltd, Shiprocket, Squarepoint Capital, Texas Instruments, Trident Group, and Turing Global India Pvt Ltd have given double-digit offers.
Over 50 International Offers
In this first phase of the placement session, students have received over 50 international offers from over 15 prestigious organizations across the world including Japan, Netherlands, South Korea, Taiwan, UAE, UK, and the US. The placement season, which will run till the end of the next semester, focuses on the placement of IIT Delhi's undergraduate and postgraduate students.
This trend is expected to continue.
Regarding the current placement season, Professor-in-Charge, Office of Career Services (OCS), Prof. Naresh Verma Datla said, "IIT Delhi has had a very good start. We believe that a similar trend will continue in the coming days. The Office of Career Services is focusing on expanding the range of companies and job profiles to meet the needs of students coming for placement in the coming days."
Prof. Naresh Verma Datla, Co-Professor-in-Charge, OCS, IIT Delhi Suresh Neelkantan said that we sincerely appreciate our recruiters for recognizing the talent and potential of our students and we congratulate the students for their perseverance and excellent efforts.
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