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GBPUAT Recruitment 2025: Recruitment for teaching-non teaching posts in government colleges, salary will be more than 1 lakh..

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GBPUAT Recruitment 2025: Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology (GBPUAT) of Uttarakhand has released 250+ vacancies for teaching and non-teaching posts. This includes Professor, Assistant Professor, Assistant Librarian, and other posts. Interested candidates can apply online till 28 February 2025. To apply, one has to visit the official website of the university

GBPUAT Vacancy 2025: Details of posts

Associate Professor: 99 posts

Assistant Professor: 80 posts

Professor: 75 posts

Assistant Director: 04 posts

Assistant Librarian: 02 posts

GBPUAT Professor Eligibility: Qualification

Different qualifications have been prescribed according to the post to apply in this recruitment. PhD and 10 years of experience as Professor, PhD with 8 years of teaching/research experience and research publication experience for Assistant Professor. While Assistant Professor must have a Masters degree NET/Ph.D. At the same time, for an Assistant Librarian to, have a master's degree in Library Science, or Assistant Director (PE), it is necessary to have a NET/Ph.D degree in Physical Education and Sports.

GBPUAT Professor Salary: Salary
Candidates will be selected through shortlisting, interview, or written examination. The salary of the candidates selected for these posts will be up to Rs 57,000-1,44,200 according to the post.

GBPUAT Professor Application Fees: Application Fee
To apply for this recruitment, General, OBC candidates will have to pay Rs 1500 as an application fee. At the same time, EWS will have to deposit Rs 1000 and SC / ST candidates will have to deposit Rs 750.

To apply for this recruitment, candidates have to download the application form from the official website. After filling in all the information, it has to be sent to the prescribed address through speed / registered post along with the necessary documents. The address is- "Chief Personnel Officer (Recruitment Section), GBPUAT, Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand (263145)."

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