india employmentnews

GAIL India Recruitment 2025: Vacancy for Executive Trainee in GAIL India, this is how the selection will be done..

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GAIL India Recruitment 2025: GAIL India Limited (GAIL) has released vacancies for various posts of Executive Trainee. A notification has been issued to fill these posts. The application process has started. If you consider yourself eligible for this post, then you can apply. Application forms are being filled online, registration has to be done by visiting the official website The last date to apply has been fixed as 18 March 2025.

GAIL India Recruitment 2025: Eligibility

For the vacancy of GAIL India, candidates should have a degree in Engineering in Chemical / Petrochemical / Chemical Technology / Polymer Science / Instrumentation / Electronics / Electrical / Mechanical / Production and Industrial / Manufacturing / Mechanical Automobile / Computer Science / IT in the relevant subject. Candidates should see the notification for details.

Age Limit

The age limit of the candidates applying for this recruitment of Gail India should not be more than 26 years. Age will be calculated based on the last date of application i.e. 18 March. At the same time, candidates of reserved category will be given relaxation in age limit.

This much salary will be given.

After being appointed to the post of Executive Trainee, the candidates will be given a salary of Rs 60,000 to Rs 1,80,000 per month.

Selection Process

For selection on these posts, the marks of the candidates' GATE 2025 exam will be seen. Based on this score, the candidates will be shortlisted. The shortlisted candidates will be included in the further selection process. For more information, you can see the complete details by visiting the website of Gail India.

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