From Junior Engineer to Nurse, recruitment has come out for many posts here, know when you can apply

NMC Recruitment: Nagpur Municipal Corporation has released vacancies for more than 200 posts. For which candidates should apply quickly.
Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has provided a great opportunity for the youth looking for jobs. NMC has released recruitment for the posts of Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical), Civil Engineering Assistant, and Nurse (GNM). In total, appointments will be made on 245 posts.
You can apply online by visiting The application process has started and the last date has been fixed as 15 January 2025.
In this recruitment campaign of NMC, appointments will be made on various posts. Of these, 150 posts are for Civil Engineer Assistant, 52 for Nurse (GNM) and 36 for Junior Engineer. After applying for these posts, the candidates will be included in the selection process, which will be based on CBT exam and interview.
Talking about the application fee, general category candidates will have to pay a fee of Rs 1,100, while for BC/EWS category candidates the fee is Rs 900.
Candidates will be selected for this recruitment on the basis of Computer Based Test (CBT) and Interview. Detailed information about the exam and interview will be released on the NMC website near the last date of application. Candidates can visit the official site for more details.
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