Culture Ministry Recruitment: Great opportunity to get a job in the Ministry of Culture without examination, you just need this qualification..

Culture Ministry Recruitment 2024: This is a great opportunity for the youth searching for jobs in the Ministry of Culture. For this, the Ministry of Culture has invited applications for the posts of Library and Information Assistant (LIA) under the Central Secretariat Library. Any candidate who wants to apply for these posts can apply in offline mode through the official website The application process for this recruitment by the Ministry of Culture has started.
If you are also dreaming of getting a job in the Ministry of Culture, then you can apply on or before May 30. A total of 11 posts are going to be filled through this recruitment. Any candidate who is planning to apply for these posts should first read the points given below carefully.
Who can apply to the Ministry of Culture?
The candidate must have a graduate degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science from any recognized university or institute. There should also be experience in doing related work. Apart from this, candidates should have a Diploma in Computer Application from any recognized university or institute.
Age limit to apply in Ministry of Culture
The maximum age limit of the candidates applying for these posts should be 30 years. Only then can they apply for these posts.
Salary will be given on selection in the Ministry of Culture
Whichever candidates are selected for the posts of Library and Information Assistant, are paid Rs 35400 to Rs 112400 as salary under Level-6.
Other information
Interested and eligible candidates can apply for Ministry of Culture in offline mode. After filling out the application form, the candidate will have to send it to the Ministry of Culture, Secretary, 502-C Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
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