CSPDCL Apprentice Recruitment 2024: Opportunity to get government job on Graduate and Diploma Apprentice posts in Chhattisgarh, apply soon..

Recruitment has been announced for the vacant posts of Graduate and Diploma Apprentice in Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Company Limited (CSPDCL). All the candidates who are looking for a government job can complete the application process by the last date of 30 December 2024. To fill out the application form, candidates will first have to register by visiting the NATS portal nats.education.gov.in. After completion of registration, the candidates can attach all the necessary documents and send the form to the prescribed address within the stipulated date.
The offline form has to be submitted here.
Candidates can submit the hard copy of the application form themselves or by post to the prescribed address "Chief Engineer (Training Research and Development), Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Company Limited, Kota Road Gudhiyari, Raipur, 492009 (CG)". The time for submitting the application form will be from 3 pm to 5 pm. Application can be made free of cost to join this recruitment.
Eligibility and Criteria
To apply for Graduate Apprentice Engineering posts, it is mandatory for the candidate to be a graduate in Engineering/Technology. To apply for Graduate Apprentice Non-Engineering posts, the candidate must have passed graduation in any subject. Apart from this, to apply for Diploma Apprentice posts, it is necessary for the candidate to have a diploma in the relevant field from a recognized institute.
Recruitment Details and Stipend
CSPDCL will recruit a total of 80 posts through this recruitment. Out of this, recruitment will be done for 24 posts of Graduate Apprentice (Engineering), 38 posts of Diploma Apprentice (Engineering), and 18 posts of Graduate Apprentice (Non-Engineering).
Candidates selected for Graduate Engineering and Non-Engineering posts will be given a stipend of Rs 9000 per month, while candidates applying for Diploma Apprentice posts will be given a stipend of Rs 8000 per month.
How will the selection be done?
In this recruitment, candidates will be selected for Graduate Apprentice on the basis of marks obtained in graduation. The duration of the apprenticeship will be for one year. For more information related to the recruitment, candidates must go through the official notification once and only then fill out the form.
Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from Dainik Jagran. While we have made modifications for clarity and presentation, the original content belongs to its respective authors and website. We do not claim ownership of the content.