BPSC BHO Interview: BPSC BHO interview schedule released, interview will start from January 22..

BPSC BHO Interview Schedule: The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has released the interview schedule for the BPSC Block Horticulture Officer (BHO) competitive exam. The BPSC BHO interview schedule will start on January 22, 2025, and end on February 1, 2025. This interview will be conducted in two different shifts. The interview of the first shift will start at 10.30 am, while the interview of the second shift will start at 2.30 pm. The target of this recruitment drive is to fill a total of 318 vacancies.
How to check the BPSC BHO interview schedule
First of all, go to the official website of BPSC bpsc.bih.nic.in
On the homepage, go to the interview schedule notification.
Click on the schedule a new PDF will appear
Download the interview schedule.
Take a print out for future reference.
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