Allahabad High Court Exam 20024 Date: Allahabad High Court recruitment exam date announced, recruitment to be done on 3306 posts..

Allahabad High Court has declared the date of Group 'C' and Group 'D' recruitment examination. The exam schedule has been released on the official website of the High Court and the website of NTA, which can be checked by the candidates. The examination is to be conducted for recruitment to a total of 3306 posts. The recruitment examination is to be conducted on 4th and 5th January 2025. The exam will be conducted by the National Testing Agency.
The admit card for the examination will be issued soon by the National Testing Agency, which the registered candidates will be able to download using the application number and date of birth. The total 3306 posts include Driver Grade-IV, Group-C Clerical Cadre, Stenographer Grade-III, and Group D posts.
Allahabad High Court Exam 20024 Date: In how many shifts will the exam be held?
The exam will be conducted in 4 shifts. The first shift will run from 10:30 am to 12 noon and the second shift will run from 3 pm to 4:30 pm. No candidate will be allowed to enter the exam center without a hall ticket. For more information, candidates can check the released exam schedule. Candidates who are successful in the written examination will be called for skill test.
Allahabad High Court Exam 20024: How many posts for whom?
Exams will be conducted for recruitment to 583 posts of stenographer, 1,054 posts of clerk, 30 posts of the driver, and a total of 1,639 posts of Group 'D'. Graduate for stenographer, 12th pass for clerk, 10th pass for driver and maximum educational qualification for Group 'D' posts was a Class 6 pass. The age of the applicants was fixed between 18 years to 40 years. At the same time, candidates of reserved category were also given relaxation in the maximum age limit as per the government rules. The application process for these posts lasted till 24 October 2024.