What will happen next after the UP Police Constable Recruitment Exam is over? Know every process here

The UP Police Constable Recruitment Exam will end on August 31, so candidates should know how many phases the UP Police Constable Recruitment will be completed.
The UP Police Constable Recruitment exam was conducted on 23, 24, and 25 August, so now the exam is to be conducted on 30 and 31 August. For this, the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board has also issued admit cards. The exam is being conducted in two shifts. In such a situation, the candidates are ready to take the exam. Yogi government seems to be strict about the recruitment exam this time. Let us tell you that the candidate who passes this written exam will be called for the next stage physical test. Let us know in how many phases the recruitment process will be completed...
In how many phases will the recruitment be completed?
The UP Police Constable Recruitment Exam will be conducted in 5 phases. In which the first phase is the written exam which is going on right now. Then the second stage is the Physical Efficiency Test (PET), followed by the third stage Physical Measurement Test (PMT), the fourth stage Document Verification and
Fifth stage Medical Test.
First Stage: Written Exam
This is the first stage of the selection process for UP Police Constable Recruitment 2024. In this exam, questions are being asked from General Knowledge, Math, Reasoning, and Hindi Language. After passing this exam, the candidates are called to the next stage.
Second Stage: Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
Through this stage, the physical ability of the candidates is measured in UP Police Constable Recruitment, which includes running, high jump, and other physical activities. Apart from this, the candidates are also given the target of covering a fixed distance in a stipulated time frame.
Third Stage: Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
After passing the Physical Efficiency Test, the candidates will be taken in this stage i.e. Physical Measurement Test. In this, the height, chest, weight, etc. of the candidates are measured.
Fourth Step: Document Verification
When the candidate passes the physical measurement test, he will be called for document verification. In this, the candidate will have to get all the documents submitted during the application verified. Which includes educational certificate, age, caste, etc.
Fifth Step: Medical Test
After document verification, the passed candidates will be called for the medical test by the UP Police Recruitment Board. This stage is also the final stage, in which the candidate's health checkup is done so that he does not have any serious disease before the job. After passing this, a merit list will be released for the candidates, after which the passed candidate will be given an appointment.