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UPSC Deputy Architect Result 2023: UPSC Deputy Architect result declared, 117 candidates passed..

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UPSC Deputy Architect Result 2023: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the list of candidates selected for interview for the recruitment of Deputy Architect in the Central Public Works Department, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. The commission has selected 117 candidates for the interview process. Eligible candidates can visit the official website of UPSC to check the list of shortlisted candidates. A total of 53 posts will be filled through UPSC Deputy Architect Recruitment Drive.

UPSC Deputy Architect Result 2023: Direct Link

The commission wrote in its official notice that the candidates called for an interview for the post of Deputy Architect will have to submit all their documents by 16 January 2025 (SOSPC2.UPSC@NIC.IN). All the documents will be scrutinized and if in any case the grounds or reasons mentioned therein are found to be correct as per the norms and modalities adopted, such applications will be shortlisted. After this, revised and updated details will be uploaded. However, if the required documents are not submitted by the due date, the candidature can be cancelled.

Candidates who wish to submit hard copies of their documents can send them to Under Secretary (SPC-II), Room No. 16, 1st Floor, Main Building, UPSC, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi - 110069 within 10 days (in any case not later than 16.01.2025) with 53_DA_ROLL.NO as the subject.

How to Check UPSC Deputy Architect 2023 Result

First of all, candidates go to the official website of UPSC

Click on What's new section on the homepage.

After that click on Notice: 53 Posts of Deputy Architect in CPWD link.

On the next page, click on the PDF link of 53 Posts of Deputy Architect in CPWD.

As soon as you do this, the result PDF will open on the screen.

Check your roll number in the PDF.

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