UPSC CDS 1 Final Merit List 2024: UPSC CDS 1 Final Merit List 2024 released, 590 candidates shortlisted..
UPSC CDS 1 Final Merit List 2024: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the UPSC CDS 1 Final Merit List 2024. A total of 590 candidates have been shortlisted, including 470 for the men's course and 120 for the women's course. Candidates who have appeared in the CDS i.e. Combined Defense Service (CDS 1) exam can check and download the UPSC CDS 1 Merit List 2024 by visiting the official website of the commission, The commission said that the marks of the candidates in the UPSC CDS 1 exam have not been released yet. The marks of the candidates will be available on its website for 30 days within 15 days from the date of declaration of the final result.
UPSC CDS 1 Final List 2024: Link
A total of 590 candidates have been selected in the UPSC CDS 1 Final Merit List. Of these, there are 470 male candidates and 120 women who will join the 121st Short Service Commission Course (Men) and 35th Short Service Commission Women (Non-Technical) Course starting in April 2025. These candidates will get admission to the Officers Training Academy (OTA) located in Chennai.
According to UPSC, the results of the medical examination of the candidates have not been taken into account in preparing the UPSC CDS 2024 merit list. The candidature of all the candidates is provisional. The date of birth and educational qualification of these candidates will be verified by the Army Headquarters.
UPSC CDS I Final Merit List: Topper List
Among men, Ranbir Negi, Archit Chauhan, and Devendra Sharma have secured the top three positions, while among women, Divya, Pranjal Nangre, and Mansi Basera have secured the top three positions.
UPSC said that the list of 121st Short Service Commission (Male) (NT) (UPSC) course also includes the names of some candidates who were earlier recommended for admission to the Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala and Air Force Academy, Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) Training Course on the basis of the result of the same examination.
Top 10 Candidates in Officers Training Academy | (OFFICER TRAINING ACADEMY (MEN)
Roll Number Name
5801695- Ranbir Negi
3505020 Archit Chauhan
7905030 Devendra Sharma
1409171 Deepak Singh Rathore
0812220 Ankit
6100099 Kunwar Satish Vikram
0801462 Avikesh Chillar
0301588 Abhishek Meel
2611190 Tarun Kumar Soni
1003130 S Jaideep
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