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UP Police Constable Result 2024: The constable recruitment exam is over, know when the result come? See the expected cutoff..

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UP Police Constable Result 2024: The UP Constable Recruitment Exam concluded on 31st August. After this, the board is expected to release the provisional answer key for all the exam days and invite objections from the candidates. The board will prepare to release the result only after releasing the answer key.

It has not been officially informed yet about the result of when the result of the UP Police Recruitment Exam will come, but according to media reports, the result can be announced in November or December this year. However, the answer key of the exam will be released before the result.

What next after the result?
After the declaration of the result, the candidates who will pass the UP Police Constable Recruitment Exam will be called for Physical Measurement Test (PMT) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET). Document verification of the candidates who pass all these exams will be done.

How will the selection be done?
The selection process for UP Police Constable includes four stages i.e. written test, document verification, physical measurement test, and physical efficiency test. After completing all the stages of the selection process in the UP Police exam, the final merit list of the candidates will be prepared.

Cut-off marks can be this much
This time the cut-off of UP Police Recruitment Exam is expected to be as follows:

For general students, it can be between 188-195, for OBC 172-176, SC- 144-149, and ST 113-116, whereas for male candidates, it is likely to be 188-195 in general, 172-176 for OBC, 144-149 for SC and 113-116 for ST.

If we talk about female candidates, then it can be 178-192 for the general category, 167-173 for OBC, 130-133 for SC, and 106-114 for ST female candidates.

How to download the answer key
First of all, candidates visit the official website (

Now click on the UP Police Constable Answer Key 2024 link available on the home page.

A new page will open where candidates can check the answer key PDF.

Check the answer key and download it.

Keep a hard copy of it for further need.