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UGC NET Admit Card: Admit card for UGC NET exam of 6, 7 and 8 January released, download it like this..

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National Testing Agency i.e. NTA has released the admit card for UGC NET examinations to be held on the 6th, 7th, and 8th of January. Candidates who want to appear in these examinations can download their admit card by visiting the official website of UGC NET It is written on the official website, 'The admit card is live only for the examination scheduled on 3rd, 6th, 7th and 8th January 2025. Admit cards for the examination scheduled on other dates will be issued later.

UGC NET Admit Card 2024: How to download the admit card?

First of all, go to the official website of UGC NET

Then click on the UGC NET Admit Card 2024 link available on the home page.

After that, a new page will open, where the candidates have to enter the login details.

Now click on submit and your admit card will start appearing on the screen.

Check your admit card and download the page.

Keep a hard copy of it with you for future use.

UGC NET Admit Card: Contact immediately if there is a mistake in the admit card

If any candidate faces a problem in downloading the admit card or there is a mistake in the details given in the admit card, then the UGC-NET December 2024 candidates can contact 011-40759000 or email at

UGC NET 2024 Exams: When will the exam be held?

UGC NET December 2024 exam started on 3 January and will end on 16 January 2025. The exam will be conducted in two shifts. The first shift will be from 9 am to 12 noon and the second shift will be from 3 pm to 6 pm. The exam will be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode only. The test paper will have two sections. Objective-type multiple-choice questions will be asked in both sections. There will be no break between the papers. The medium of question paper will be English and Hindi only.

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