SSC JE 2024 Final Result: SSC JE recruitment final result released, 1701 candidates selected; See category wise cutoff..

SSC JE Final Result 2024: Staff Selection Commission has released the final results of Junior Engineer Recruitment. As per the result notice, a total of 1701 candidates have been provisionally shortlisted for the further selection process. Candidates who appeared in the earlier stages of the recruitment process can check the result by visiting the official website
SSC JE Result: SSC JE Final Result
The result of Paper-I of Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical and Electrical) Examination, 2024 was declared on 20 August 2024. Subsequently, Paper-II (Computer Based Test) of the examination was held on 06 November 2024. Thereafter, the Commission had sought 'Option-cum-Preference' from the candidates who appeared in Paper-II.
The provisionally shortlisted candidates have been allotted posts and departments based on the performance of the candidates in Paper-I and Paper-II and the preference of posts/departments given by them online.
Category-wise details of vacancies and recommended candidates
Category SC ST OBC EWS UR Total OH HH PwD- Others
Vacancies 322 165 480 171 563 1701 18 19 16
Recommended 322 165 480 171 563* 1701 18 19 16
The 563 Unreserved (UR) candidates include 77 EWS, 01 SC, 01 ST, and 295 OBC category candidates who have qualified under unreserved norms.
SSC JE Cut-Off: The minimum qualifying marks in Paper-I and Paper-II of the exam are as follows:
30% for Unreserved Category (Paper-I- 60, Paper-II- 90)
25% for OBC/EWS (Paper-I- 50 Paper-II- 75)
20% for all other categories (Paper-I- 40, Paper-II- 60)
Category Paper-I (Marks) Paper-II (Marks) Total Percentage
Unreserved (UR) 60 90 30%
OBC/EWS 50 75 25%
All other categories 40 60 20%
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