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SSC CAPF SI PET Result: SSC Delhi Police SI recruitment physical test results released, check here..

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SSC CAPF SI Result 2024: SSC has released the result of the physical test of Delhi Police and CAPF Recruitment 2024. Eligible candidates can download their results from the official website The result of Paper-I of Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police and CAPFs Examination, 2024 was declared by the Commission on 02.09.2024, in which 83614 unique candidates were declared qualified under various lists.

Next Stage Paper-2

The Physical Endurance Test (PET)/Physical Standard Test (PST) of these qualified candidates was conducted by CAPFs. As per the result of PET/PST, a total of 24,190 candidates have been declared qualified. Candidates who have qualified in the physical test will now have to appear for Paper 2.

A total of 83614 candidates were invited for Physical Endurance Test (PET)/Physical Standard Test (PST). Of these, 37763 candidates were absent, 21661 were disqualified and 24190 qualified for Paper II. The results of 59 candidates have been withheld.

SSC CAPF Vacancy: 4187 posts to be recruited
The recruitment drive aims to fill a total of 4187 posts, out of which 125 vacancies are for male candidates in Delhi Police, 61 vacancies are for female SI candidates in Delhi Police and the remaining 4001 vacancies are for SI candidates in Central Armed Police Forces.

Selection Process
The selection process will consist of a Preliminary Examination (Paper I), a Qualifying PET/PST Examination, and Main Examination (Paper II).

Steps to Download Result

First of all visit the official website

On the homepage, go to the Result tab.

Click on the SI in Delhi Police, CAPF Result 2024 link.

The result will appear on the screen.
Download and take a printout for future reference.

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