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Scholarship: Great opportunity to study in England, this university is giving scholarship of Rs 26 lakh..

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Many people in India want to study abroad, but it is not so easy, because studying abroad and living costs so much that people get confused. However, many students are studying abroad through scholarships. If you also want to do higher studies in England, then there is good news for you. Manchester University has announced new scholarships for graduation (UG) and post-graduation (PG) programs. The university will give 100 merit-based graduate scholarships to eligible international students, known as the Global Futures Scholarship.

Indian students planning to graduate from this university can apply for this scholarship. They will get 24,000 pounds i.e. about Rs 26 lakh under the scholarship. The last date to apply for this is 10 April 2025 and the result of the selected candidates will be declared on 30 April.

Eligibility Criteria

The candidate must be an Indian citizen.

The candidate must have an admission offer from Manchester University.

Tuition fees should be paid as per the university guidelines.

Where can you study?

School of Social Sciences

School of Environment, Education and Development

School of Arts, Language and Culture

Alliance Manchester Business School

Postgraduate Global Futures Scholarship

Manchester University has also started 230 postgraduate scholarships, under which a student will get 8,000 pounds i.e. about Rs 8.75 lakh. This financial assistance will be given to the selected students in the form of a discount on tuition fees.

What is the selection process?

Students have to first apply for admission and get an admission offer from the university.

Students will be selected based on their academic performance and the details given in the application.

UK's third-largest university

Manchester is the third-largest university in the UK in terms of total admissions. The fee for BE/BTech here is more than Rs 40 lakh. Students studying at this university do not have to worry about getting a job. You will be surprised to know that more than 20 Nobel Prize winners have worked or studied here.

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