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RPSC RAS ​​Prelims Answer Key: Answer key of Rajasthan Civil Services Prelims Exam released, register objections by 5 February..

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Rajasthan Public Service Commission i.e. RPSC has released the provisional answer key of the Rajasthan State and Sub Services Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination. All the candidates who appeared in this exam can download the answer key of the RAS Preliminary Exam from the official website of RPSC RPSC said that candidates who have any objection regarding any question can register their objection between 3 February to 5 February (midnight).

RPSC has also said that along with the objections, the candidates will have to provide some evidence to prove it, because without proper proof the objections will not be considered for review. According to Rajasthan Public Service Commission, candidates have to login to the SSO portal ( to register their objections and pay a fee of Rs 100 per question.

RPSC RAS ​​Prelims Answer Key: How to download the answer key?

First of all, go to the official website of Rajasthan Public Service Commission

Then open the answer key link under the 'News and Events' section.

After that download the PDF and check the correct answers.

RPSC RAS ​​Prelims Exam: When was the exam held?

Rajasthan Public Service Commission conducted the RPSC RAS ​​preliminary examination on February 2 from 12 noon to 3 pm in a single shift, for which the admit cards were released on January 30 on the SSO portal and the commission's website Candidates were already instructed to reach the examination center on time, as the gates were closed 60 minutes before the start of the examination. Apart from this, all the candidates also had to undergo a security check before entering the examination hall.

RPSC RAS ​​Prelims Exam Pattern: What was the exam pattern?

There was only one paper in the RPSC RAS ​​preliminary examination. The questions were objective type and were of 200 marks. The duration of the exam was 3 hours. This preliminary exam is only to shortlist candidates for the main exam i.e. only candidates who pass this exam can appear in the main exam, but the marks obtained in this exam will not be added to the marks of the final exam. There was also negative marking in this exam i.e. marks of the candidates will also be deducted for the wrong answer.

Candidates who pass the preliminary exam will be called for the main written exam and interview round, in which it is necessary for the candidates to pass. A total of 733 vacant posts will be filled under this recruitment drive.

For more information, candidates can visit the official website of RPSC

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