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RPSC Librarian Result: Provisional result of RPSC Librarian Recruitment Exam released, download PDF from here..

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RPSC Librarian Provisional Result Out: RPSC has released the provisional result for Librarian Grade-2 (School Education) Exam 2024. Candidates who appeared in this recruitment exam can check the provisional result through the official website (

According to the official notification, the commission conducted the Librarian Competitive Examination 2023 Paper-1 and Paper-2 examination on May 24, 2024, and Paper-3 examination on January 7, 2024.

Based on the performance of the candidates in the written examination, the commission released the list of selected candidates who will proceed to the interview level.

Important information
The official notification states, the candidates provisionally selected for the interview should download the detailed application form from the website fill it and send it to the RPSC office along with two copies of it, and all the required certificates (education proof, caste proof, and other required proofs).

The official notice states that it should reach the commission's office within 15 days of the declaration of the result.

Only those candidates who are found eligible after checking the eligibility of the said candidates as per the terms of the advertisement will be invited for an interview.

After document verification, the candidates found eligible will be called for an interview, the date of which will be informed in due time.

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