Odisha Police Constable result: Odisha Police Constable exam result released, check here..

Odisha Police State Selection Board (SSB Odisha) has announced the result of the written examination for the recruitment of a constable/constable. If you also appeared in this exam, you can check your result by visiting the official website of Odisha Police odishapolice.gov.in. Odisha Police has also released the scorecard of the written examination and the list of candidates selected for the Physical Efficiency Test (PET), which can be seen on the official website with the help of the application number and date of birth.
SSB Odisha conducted a computer-based examination for Police Constable/Constable recruitment in December 2024 and before releasing the result, the board also released the provisional and final answer key. After the release of the provisional answer key, the candidates had also filed objections against the questions and after that, the final answer key was released, the link to download which was active from 20 to 23 January. SSB Odisha had said that if any objection is found valid, other charges will be refunded to the candidate after the deduction of bank charges.
Odisha Police Constable result: How to check the result?
First of all, go to the official website of Odisha Police odishapolice.gov.in.
Then open the Odisha Police Sepoy/Constable Recruitment tab.
After that click on the list of candidates selected for the physical efficiency test.
Select the name of the battalion.
Check your selection status using your roll number.
Click on the scorecard download link to see the detailed result.
Enter the requested information and log in.
Check the result and download it.
Odisha Police Constable Exam: When was the exam held?
SSB Odisha conducted the CBT exam from 7 to 18 December at examination centers across the state. Since the computer-based exam was conducted in multiple shifts, SSB Odisha has normalized the marks of the candidates as per the formula used by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for its examinations.
Odisha Police Constable Recruitment 2024: How many posts will be recruited?
Under this recruitment drive, 2,030 vacant posts of constables will be filled in various battalions of Odisha Police. Although the board had earlier issued a notification for recruitment only for 1,360 posts, but later 720 more posts were added to it.
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