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NMC warns medical students that if they do not fulfill the eligibility criteria on time, their application will be cancelled..

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Medical Students Applications Canceled: The National Medical Commission (NMC) has issued a notification regarding the pending applications for medical students' eligibility certificates (EC). The commission has released the list of applicants who have gone abroad without obtaining the eligibility certificate. Giving additional time to the students, the board has said that the applications of students who will not fulfill the required qualifications within the stipulated time limit will be rejected immediately. Candidates can check the names of students whose eligibility applications are pending by visiting the official website of NMC

Apart from the list, all the applicants who have not yet been issued eligibility certificates are also advised to ensure that if there is any deficiency, it is completed as soon as possible.

According to Section 13(48) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, which provides in Section 13, Recognition of Medical Qualifications, Second Schedule, "(48) No person who is a citizen of India shall, after the date specified by the Central Government under sub-section (3), be eligible for admission to any medical qualification granted by any medical institution in any foreign country without obtaining a certificate of eligibility issued by the Council.

"Timely rectification of the deficiencies will expedite the processing of applications for eligibility certificates and will help the applicants to proceed further in their respective efforts. The issue will be resolved with the approval of the competent authority," the commission said in its notice.

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