JEE Main 2025: JEE Main session 1 exam result will be released on this day, know how to check..

The National Testing Agency (NTA) conducted the first session of the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main 2025 from January 22 to 30. After this, NTA will release the provisional answer key and then objections will be sought from the candidates on the official website of JEE Main, At the same time, it has been told in the information bulletin that the result of JEE Main 2025 session 1 exam will be announced by 12 February 2025.
The information bulletin of JEE Main also states, 'NTA will release the provisional answer key of the questions on the website, along with this a public notice will be issued on the website in this regard so that the candidates can be allowed to challenge the provisional answer key by paying online a non-refundable fee of Rs 200 for each question challenged as processing fee. The provisional answer key is likely to be available on the website for two to three days.
The NTA has said that only online and paid challenges made during the stipulated time limit will be accepted. It also states that challenges filed without evidence and through any other means other than the prescribed link will not be considered. The NTA says that subject experts will examine all the challenges and then prepare the final answer key, based on which the result will be released.
JEE Main 2025 Answer Key: How can you check the answer key?
First of all go to the official website of JEE Main,
Then open the provisional answer key link given on the home page.
After that enter the details asked and login.
Now check the answer key and download it.
JEE Main 2025 Exam: When was the exam held?
NTA conducted the JEE Main 2025 Session 1 Paper 1 (BE/BTech) exam on 22, 23, 24, 28 and 29 January. Paper 1 exam was conducted in two shifts. The exam was held in the first shift from 9 am to 12 noon and in the second shift from 3 pm to 6 pm. At the same time, the exam for the second paper (BArch/BPlanning) was conducted on the last day i.e. 30 January in the second shift from 3 pm to 6:30 pm.
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