ICAI CA Foundation January 2025 Exam: CA Foundation exam postponed, exam will not be held on January 14, new date released..
ICAI CA Foundation January 2025 session exam will not be conducted on January 14. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has released the revised date of the Chartered Accountant (CA) January 2025 Foundation exam. According to the new schedule released, the exam will now be conducted on January 16, 2024. A notice has also been issued by the institute in this regard.
According to the official notice issued, the exam date has been revised given the Makar Sankranti, Bihu, and Pongal festivals. The exam to be held on January 14 will now be held on January 16. The CA Foundation exam will now be held on January 12, January 16, January 18, and January 20, 2025. Announcing the postponement of the exam, ICAI also said that there will be no change in the schedule of the CA Inter exam to be held in January 2025. Candidates can check the issued notice for more details.
CA January 2025 Exam Date: What is the date of the CA Intermediate exam?
The Intermediate Group 1 course exam for the CA January 2025 session will be held on January 11, 13, and 15. At the same time, the Intermediate Group 2 exam will be conducted on January 17, January 19, and January 21.
CA January 2025 Exam timing: What is the exam time?
Foundation Course Paper I and II will be conducted from 2 to 5 pm and Paper 3 and 4 will be conducted from 2 to 4 pm on all days. At the same time, all papers in the Intermediate course will be conducted from 2 to 5 pm on all days. The admit card for both these exams will be released by ICAI on the official website at the scheduled time, which the candidates can download through their registration number and date of birth.
CA January 2025 Exam: It is mandatory to carry this at the time of the exam
At the time of examination, candidates must carry an official identity card with a photo along with the admit card such as an Aadhaar card, PAN card or voter ID. Only after checking these documents, the candidate will be allowed to enter the exam hall.