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Home Guard Recruitment: Race for Delhi Home Guard recruitment from September 16, new admit card issued, download like this..

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Home Guard Recruitment: The physical Efficiency Test and Criteria Test (PET/PST) for the recruitment of more than 10 thousand Home Guards in Delhi is starting on September 16. New admit cards have been issued for this. It can be downloaded by visiting the website of the Delhi Home Guard Directorate The Directorate has said that the admit cards downloaded earlier are no longer valid. Bring new admit cards with you to take the physical test.

The physical test for Delhi Home Guards recruitment was to be held between 20 August to 29 August. But it was postponed. This recruitment was released in January-February. In this, 33.33 percent of the posts are reserved for women.

How much running to become a home guard
For Delhi Home Guard recruitment, candidates will have to run 1600 meters. Candidates up to 30 years of age will have to run 1600 meters in 6 minutes, people between 30 to 40 years of age will have to run in 7 minutes, candidates between 40-45 years of age will have to run in 8 minutes and ex-servicemen/ex-CAPF personnel above 45 years of age will have to run 1600 meters in 10 minutes. Women up to 30 years of age will have to run 1600 meters in 8 minutes, women between 30 to 40 years of age will have to run 1600 meters in 9 minutes and women between 40 to 45 years of age will have to run 1600 meters in 10 minutes.