CBSE Board 12th Exam 2025: Prepare for 12th Economics Viva like this, you will get good marks, know expert's tips..

Practical examinations and viva of classes 10th and 12th of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) are going on. This is an important part of evaluation in board examinations. Practical and viva marks also contribute to the final marks of the examination. In such a situation, there is a challenge in front of the students what questions will the examiner ask? How should their answers be given? What preparations should be made? Let's know from the experts the tips for the 12th Economics Viva preparation.
Theory exams will be conducted after practical examinations. CBSE 10th-12th written examinations will start on February 15. The board has also released sample papers, which students can download by visiting the official website of CBSE.
CBSE Board 12th Exam 2025 Economics Viva Tips: Remember the topic well
Students should keep some important points in mind during the viva related to practical/project of Economics subject of 12th CBSE. Experts of this subject say that first of all, students should remember their topic well. External examiners can also ask questions related to the topic. For example, a question can be what is GST and what is its effect in India? Or questions related to money and banking can also be asked.
CBSE Board 12th Exam 2025 Economics Tips: Project-related questions can be asked
Purushottam Mishra, teacher of Kendriya Vidyalaya Ara, says that questions related to your project topic can also be asked in viva. Therefore, it is important that whatever topic you have prepared for the project, study it well and also make short notes. This will make it easier for you to answer questions related to the project. For example, if the topic of your project is GST, then you can be asked questions related to it.
These questions can be asked.
i. Tell the full form of the GST
ii. When was GST implemented in India
iii. Is GST a direct tax or an indirect tax?
iv. What are the advantages and disadvantages of GST?
v. What is the GST Council/ Board? How does it work?
CBSE Board 12th Exam 2025 Tips: If the project is on demonetization, then prepare for these questions
Similarly, if the topic of your project is demonetization and its effect on the Indian economy, then the first question that can be asked to you is what is demonetization? Then the next question can be when was demonetization implemented in India. More questions related to this can be asked. Like what do you think, did demonetization benefit the economy or not? Tell some advantages and disadvantages of demonetization.
CBSE Board Exam 2025 Tips: Subject-related questions can be asked
According to Mishra, a teacher of Kendriya Vidyalaya, apart from the project, questions on the subject of Economics can also be asked of the students during the viva. You may be asked the name of a chapter or some questions related to that chapter may be asked. For example, if the examiner asks you the name of the chapter and you name the Government Budget chapter, then the following questions may be asked of you-
1- What is the government budget?
2. What is the difference between revenue expenditure and capital expenditure?
3. Is disinvestment a revenue receipt or a capital receipt? Give reasons.
4. What are direct taxes and indirect taxes? Explain with examples.
CBSE Board 12th Exam 2025: Prepare the chapter well
If the examiner asks you the name of the chapter during the viva, then you should keep in mind the chapter whose name you are taking. You should read it thoroughly. At least you should know the introduction and terms of that chapter. This will make it easier to answer the examiner's questions in the viva.
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