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CBSE Admit Card 2025: Can students download the admit card for CBSE 10th-12th board exam? Know here..

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The Central Board of Secondary Education i.e. CBSE has released the admit card i.e. hall ticket for class 10th and class 12th board examinations on the Pariksha Sangam portal, which can be downloaded by visiting the official website of CBSE and logging in to the Sangam portal. Since the admit card is available only through school login, students cannot download their admit card directly from the board's website. They will have to go to school to get their admit card.

CBSE Board Exam Admit Card 2025: How can schools download the admit card?

First of all, go to the official website of CBSE

Then open the Pariksha Sangam portal.

After that click on 'Continue' on the next page.

Now click on 'School (Ganga)'.

Open the Pre-Exam Activities tab.

Open the 'Admit Card for Main Exam 2025' link.

Enter the login details and download the admit card.

CBSE Board Exam 2025: When will the exams start?

CBSE class 10th and 12th board final exams will start on February 15. Class 10 exams will end on March 18, while class 12 exams will end on April 4. The exams for both classes will start at 10:30 am on the same shift. This year, about 44 lakh students from 8 thousand CBSE board schools in India and abroad will appear in class 10th and 12th board exams.

CBSE Board Exam 2025 Guidelines: These things can be carried inside the examination center

For regular students: Admit card and school identity card

For private students: Admit card and any photo identity proof issued by the government

Stationery items: Transparent pouch, geometry/pencil box, blue/royal blue ink/ballpoint/gel pen, scale, writing pad, eraser

Analog watch, transparent water bottle

Metro card, bus pass, money

CBSE Board Exam Guidelines: Do not carry these things in the examination hall

Stationery items: Books, pieces of paper, calculator, pen drive, log table (will be provided by the center), electronic pen, scanner, etc.

Communication devices: Mobile phones, Bluetooth, earphones, microphone, pager, health band, smartwatch, camera, etc.

Other items: Wallet, glasses, handbags, pouches, etc.

Any food items for diabetic patients (open or packed)

Any other item that can be used inappropriately.

According to the CBSE board exam dress code, regular students have to wear school uniform, while private students can wear light clothes.

For more information, you can visit the official website of CBSE,

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